Carney Fighting to Protect our Seniors

Press Release

Date: May 28, 2008
Location: Washington, DC


Supports Elder Justice Act to protect seniors from abuse and neglect

Congressman Christopher P. Carney announced his support for the Elder Justice Act, (H.R. 1783), the first comprehensive federal effort to address and prevent elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. The Elder Justice Act aims to make communities safer for older Americans by implementing tougher standards at long term care facilities and requiring prompt reporting of crimes in nursing homes.

"How we take care of our seniors says a lot about us as a community. And it's unacceptable to have seniors abused, neglected or exploited. When I talk to people in northeast and central Pennsylvania, they tell me they're worried about their parents' care, or their own care. We have to do better," said Congressman Carney.

Carney continued, "The vast majority of abuse and neglect cases for our seniors are unreported, and we hear horror stories of exploitation and fraud, which is not fair to our seniors, their families, or our communities. We have to get more abuse cases reported, so we can prosecute these criminals."

The Elder Justice Act will provide victim assistance, improved long-term care and support for at-risk elders. In addition, this legislation will provide resources to states for abuse prevention and improved prosecution for the mistreatment of older Americans.

"This is about zero-tolerance for elder abuse. I have made fighting for seniors and protecting Social Security a top priority in Congress," said Rep. Carney. "The Elder Justice Law offers a complete strategy to eradicate abuse—it improves prevention, encourages reporting, increases prosecution. This is what is needed to protect our seniors from violations and make sure elder abuse cases are fully prosecuted under the law."

Over 100 Members of Congress—both Republicans and Democrats—are cosponsors of the Elder Justice Act. The legislation is awaiting action in Committee.
